Any autocmd can be specified with a comma-separated list of event types, in which case the handler will be invoked for any of the events listed. 任何autocmd都可以由一个用逗号分隔的事件类型清单指定,这里所列出来的任一事件都能调用处理器。
For each binding specified in the input list, a list of references to tower is obtained from which the tower representation is accessed. 对于输入列表中指定的每个绑定,获取塔的引用列表,用于访问塔表示。
Also, for each object UUID specified in the input list, command to delete them from the endpoint is made. 另外,对于输入列表中指定的每个对象UUID,执行从端点中删除它们的命令。
Un-registration is done on the specified interface, on list of binding handles ( one each for each supported protocol) and on the list of object UUIDs specified. 可以对指定的接口、绑定句柄列表(每个支持的协议一个句柄)和指定的对象UUID列表执行取消注册。
If this environment is set, only tables specified in the list can be used as fact table. 如果设置了这种环境,那么只有清单中指定的表才可以作为事实表。
In the following example, the pseudo column LEVEL is specified on the select list. 在下列示例中,在选择列表中指定伪列LEVEL。
When the user ID and password are specified, the List window will open. 在指定用户ID和密码之后,List窗口就会打开。
With the range modifier specified after the parameter list, any time DeAmperfyAll() is called with a range such as 在参数列表之后指定了range修饰符后,使用如下范围调用DeAmperfyAll()时
And since% eax is specified in the clobbered list, GCC doesn't use it anywhere else to store data. 因为%eax是在修饰列表中指定的,GCC不在任何其它地方使用它来存储数据。
If no arguments are specified, the list of active plug-ins displays. 如果不指定参数,就会列出启用的插件的列表。
Multiple table names can be specified in the list, delimited by comma. 在清单中可以指定多个表名称,用逗号分隔。
Or remove specified elements from a list 或者从列表删除指定的元素
The specified distribution list organizational unit is not valid. 指定的通讯组单位无效。
Deletes the project specified in the list to the right. 删除在右边列表中指定的项目。
We hope that you will be able to~ all the equipment as specified in the attached list. 我们希望你方能按所列全部设备投报你方价格。
A view of the specified range within this list. 指定范围的列表视图。
Delete the specified project or to-do list and all its tasks and assignments 删除指定项目、待办事项列表及其所有的任务和分配
The value specified is already in the list. 指定的值已经存在于列表中了。
Smart tag actions and recognizers specified in list description files. 在列表说明文件中指定的智能标记操作和识别器。
Unable to find the specified string in the list of performance name and explain text strings. 在性能名称列表和说明文字字符串中找不到指定的字符串。
The constructor to be invoked must be accessible and provide the most specific match with the specified argument list. 要调用的构造函数必须是可访问的,并且提供与指定参数列表匹配程度最高的匹配项。
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list ( optional operation). 向列表指定位置插入指定元素(可选操作)。
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list ( in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in this list. 从列表指定位置开始,以本来顺序返回列表元素的列表迭代器。
Removes the specified date from the list of monthly bolded dates. 从每月中粗体格式日期的列表中移除指定日期。
Upon completion of share registers, the recommendation agency shall submit the supplementary listing application documents to the regulatory department of issuance and examination of Shenzhen Stock Exchange subject to the requirements specified in the list of the supplementary listing application documents. 股份登记完成后,保荐机构按照补充上市申请文件清单要求向深交所发审监管部报送补充上市申请文件。
Items for processing with materials provided under permitting category is not specified in the List. 允许类来料加工不在《目录》中具体列名。
Make sure you have specified code list database path. 确保已指定代码列表数据库路径。
Deletes the project or to-do list specified in the list below. 删除在下面列表中指定的项目或待办事项列表。
Add specified server to the list of servers on which you want to have the agents installed. 将指定的服务器添加到您要安装代理的服务器列表。
The specified quota list is internally inconsistent with its descriptor. 指定的限额和它的描述符不一致。